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The Columbus Mckinnon Polska Sp. z o.o. web site is managed by Columbus Mckinnon Polska Sp. z o.o., whose ID data appears at the bottom of this Legal Information, and facilitates easy access to information about Columbus Mckinnon Polska Sp. z o.o. or enterprises in the group. The web site of Columbus Mckinnon Polska Sp. z o.o. will be accessible once you have read and accepted the Legal Information. Entry onto and use of this web site as a visitor, is synonymous with express and full acceptance, without any reservations whatsoever, of the entire Legal Information published on the Portal at the time of entry. The contents which you, as a user, will learn about, are intended for persons and/ or enterprises interested in receiving information about products and services offered by Columbus Mckinnon Polska Sp. z o.o. You can request an offer using the relevant forms, whereby you do not enter into contractual relations, i.e., we will send you our offer on a purely informational basis, and therefore this will not place either parties under any obligation arising from the issue and acceptance, and in no event will it be deemed as an initial contract or a promise to sell.

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The entire contents of our web site (including but not limited to, texts, charts, logos, icon buttons, data bases, pictures, text files, audio and video files and software) are owned by Columbus Mckinnon Polska Sp. z o.o., companies in the Columbus Mckinnon Group, their collaborators or suppliers of these contents and are protected by domestic and international industrial and intellectual property norms. Access to the information and the contents of this web site do not imply renouncement, transfer, of a license nor entire or partial assignment of any right whatsoever resulting from the intellectual or industrial property.


This web site was prepared in good faith by Columbus Mckinnon Polska Sp. z o.o. based on information from internal and external sources, obtained legally and presented to visitors to the site in the current state, which may contain inaccuracies or mistakes. Columbus Mckinnon Polska Sp. z o.o. shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature whatsoever, which may arise from use of the information, contents, software, materials or products displayed on this web site, or services rendered on third party web sites, accessible from this web site via hyperlinks (links), which pages are subject to own confidentiality policy and have their own legal information.

Columbus Mckinnon Polska Sp. z o.o. 62-064 Plewiska, ul. Owsiana 14 entered into the National Court Register of the court in Poznań under no. 0000213299 NIP: 783-158-66-44 Regon 634563880 ,share capital of the company: 150,000.00 PLN

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