Protective barriers
Protective barriers must be installed at a single side or multiple sides, if the operator is to travel together with the lift. Columbus Mckinnon offers both permanently fixed and removable barriers
The standard barrier is 1100 mm high and is fitted with prescribed stops at knee and feet heights. Usually, versions of lift tables are equipped with another control system, which is fixed to the barrier.
Protective aprons
Protective aprons are used whenever required, i.e. where the operator has limited vision, e.g. when the operator is standing on and controlling from the platform. When using protective aprons, the platform must often be enlarged.
Levellers (loading flaps)
Manually operated sectional flaps with spacing of 400 mm are most widely used loading flaps (levellers). Loading flaps can be used at each side of jack with lifting capacity ranging from 2 t to 6 t.
Portal gates
The horizontal crosspiece of the portal gate can be marked with oblique black and yellow strips. Such marking is used as a warning sign and improves safety.
Control systems
Columbus-Mckinnon table lifts can be equipped with various control systems depending on the user’s needs and the configuration of the table lift itself. We also install advanced control systems based on control switches or adapted to process lines.
The standard control device is a solid and impact resistant control cassette with Up, Down and Failure buttons and a 1.8 m long spiral cable. The control device is often installed as a wall mounted box or control panel on the jack (located on barriers).
Anti-roll devices
The anti-roll devices operate on the counterbalance principle. The loading plates pull out a plate upwards by using gravity forces and when lowering, the plate is hidden under the platform by a hinge system.
45°-90° tilting attachment
The two most commonly used design options of tilting attachments include tilting up to 45° or 90° as a maximum along the short or long side, while taking the load gravity centre into account.
Stands and pedestals
Stands are usually used in basements or temporary construction levels where there is no possibility of constructing foundations. There is a room for e.g. the fork of the forklift truck between stand feet, i.e. it is possible to move to the lift table and put the load on it.
Roller conveyors
Dźwigniki z przenośnikiem rolkowym są odpowiednio
wzmocnione i dostosowane do
przechwycenia zwiększonych sił bocznych,
działających na płaszczyźnie platformy.
Wg życzeń naszych Klientów stosowane są
przenośniki ręczne oraz napędzane
elektrycznie z pełną integracją
Rectangular rotary plate
The plate position monitoring system is necessary for work safety reasons. Lowering the platform with the plate reversed by 90° can result in the danger of its crushing or shearing off. The keynote of Columbus Mckinnon platforms is “Safety at first!”.
Position sensors and automation
Columbus Mckinnon uses SPS controllers that, in most cases, are based on SIEMENS S7000, SIEMENS LOGO or Finder controllers, and others as indicated by the Customer.
Mobile undercarriage
Other accessories
- Anti-rollover devices
- Round or rectangular rotary disks
- Mobile versions of lifts
- (Infrared) position switches
- Control systems based on controllers or integrated with the user’s control system
- Travel tracks and many other customized options